Updated12/3/2024 10:17:00

No watches or warnings in effect for .

Summary / Temperature / EC Forecast / Webcam Wind-Sonic Anemometer Snow Radar / Lightning / Fire

Currently: -0.8°C, Max: 0.2°C, Min: -2.4°C Dry

Temperature: -1 °C   
Trends: Warmer 1.1 °C than last hour. Cold Feels like:     -2°C
Aparent solar temperature: -3.4
Than yesterday: 3.5°CWarmer 3.5°C   than yesterday at this time.
Average Weekly Temp: 0.8°C
Record Month High Temp: 3.2°C
Record MonthLow Temp: -4.5°C
Humidex: -4.0°C
Daily high humidex: -2.4°C
Daily low humidex: -5.5°C
Heat Index: -1°C
Record hight Heat Index: 27.8
Record hight Heat Index Month: 10
Record hight Heat Index Day: 21
Record hight Heat Index Year: 2024
Year record high heat index: 27.8°C
Year record high heat index month: 10 
Year record high heat index day: 21 
Year record high heat index year: 2024 
User daily report: ---
  Today Yesterday
High: 0.2°C
Low: -2.4°C
Temp. interior: 26.6°C Time
Max.int: 26.6°C 09:29
Min.int: 25.2°C 03:59
All time Temp. Date
High 28.4° C 10.2.2024
Low -4.5° C 12.2.2024

 Wind from NNW NNW 4.1 Gust: 1.6 km/h
Beaufort: 1 Bft - Light Air
Today Avg: 14.8 km/h at  09:01
Max Gust last hour: 11.3 km/h
Max Gust yesterday: 14.8 km/h at  16:11
Average direction gust: NW
Gust Month: 14.5 km/h Dec 3
10-min Avg: 3.7 km/h
15-min Avg: 3.7 km/h
30-min Avg: 3.8 km/h
60-min Avg: 3.3 km/h
120-min Avg: 3.6 km/h
Wind 5 min ago:           1.9 km/h
Wind 10 min ago:         3.7 km/h
Wind 15 min ago:         3.7 km/h
Wind 20 min ago:         3.7 km/h 3.7 km/h
Wind 30 min ago:         3.7 km/h
Wind 45 min ago:         1.9 km/h
Wind 60 min ago:         3.7 km/h
Wind 75 min ago:         5.6 km/h
Wind 90 min ago:         3.7 km/h
Wind 105 min ago:       3.7 km/h
Wind 120 min ago:       3.7 km/h

Snow Today: 0.0 cm
Snow Yesterday: 0 cm
This Month: 0 cm
Winter Total: 12.2 cm
Snow Depth: 0 cm
0 snow days in Dec.
27 snow days in year 2024
Estimated height snow: 124 cm
Current ET: 0.2 mm
Yesterday ET: 0.2 mm
ET for last 7 days: 1.9 mm
ET year to date: 551.9 mm
Solar energy number: 0 W/M2
Daily high solar: 0
Time that the daily high solar: 00:00
Current solar percent: 0 %
Vpsolar 30 min ago: 0
Vpsolar 60 min ago: 0
Vpsolar 90 min ago: 0
Vpsolar 120 min ago: 0
Sunshine hours to date day: 00:00
Sunshine hours to date month: 00:00
Daily lengt yesterday: 09:08:00
Click on images to zoom

GR3 Radar
Satellite IR
WU lightning map
Windy.com Map Temp. Wind
Zoom Map
Windy.com Map Rain
Weather Radar Windy.com
Radar.weather.gov Radar weather gov.
Satellite GOES 16 East GOES 16 East
Satellite GOES 16 Geocolor GOES East Geocolor
Satellite GOES 16 Visible GOES 16 Visible
Satellite GOES 16 IR GOES 16 IR
Accuweater satellite SIR Activity Map
Lightning maps
My nexstorm image
Polluantion map
Latest Lightning Strikes
Lightening counts: 0
Lightening distance: 0 km
Lightening bearing :
Lightening counts last 30 min.: 0
Lightening counts last hour: 0
Lightening last 12 hours: 0
Lightening year: 307
Lightening month: 0
Lightening count last time: 21:20:22 2024/20/11
Lightening strike max time: 10:17

Chandler Burning Index: LOW
Current: 0.9
CBI Index
Currently: 0.2 at 10:17
Humidity & Barometer Cloud base & Air Quality Sun & Moon/Sun Plot

Humidity:   75 % Decreased 7% since last hour.
Humid. 10 min ago: 77 %
Humid. 15 min ago: 77 %
Humid. 20 min ago: 78 %
Humid. 30 min ago: 79 %
Humid. 60 min ago: 82 %
Humid. 120 min ago: 86 %
Indoor Humidity: 27 %
Dew Point: -4.7°C Decreased 0.1°C since last hour.
Wetbulb: -2.1°C
Barometer: 1024.8 mb Rising 0.3  mb/hr
Trend: +0.3mb/hr
Baro Trend: Steady
60 min ago: 1024.4
90 min ago: 1024.2
120 min ago: 1024.0
Max. yest.: 1020.8 mb
Min. yest.: 1015.5 mb
Baro 3-Hr Trend: Rising
Record High Baro: 1034.4
Record Low Baro: 995.5
Air Density: 1.31

Air Quality
PurpleAir Exterior
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Waxing Crescent
Waxing Crescent, Moon at 2 days in cycle
Moonrise: 10:11
Moonset: 18:24
Possible hours of Daylight
Sunrise Today:
Sunset Today:
Length of Day Yesterday:
Length of Day Today:
Day Length Decrease:
01:19 min

                        Environment Canada Forecast

 EC Extended Forecast & WXSIM Forecast  -   's and 's Outlook

EC forecast:
WXSIM forecast: Mostly sunny in the morning, becoming mostly cloudy in the afternoon. High 3°. Wind north-northwest around 7 kph in the morning, becoming west-northwest in the afternoon. Maximum freezing level 350 meters above sea level.
Local station forecast: Mostly clear with little temp change.

EC forecast:
WXSIM forecast: Mostly cloudy to cloudy in the evening, becoming cloudy after midnight, with areas of light frost likely. A slight chance of snow in the evening, then a chance of snow after midnight. Low -3°. Wind chill ranging from -9 to -2. Wind west-southwest around 13 kph, gusting to 26 kph, in the evening, becoming 20 kph, gusting to 33 kph, after midnight. Chance of precipitation 40 percent. Precipitation (liquid equivalent) mostly around 2 mm. Snow accumulation 1 to 2 cm. Minimum freezing level -300 meters above sea level. Minimum snow level -550 meters above sea level.
 EC Short Term Weather Forecast