Last Updated: 10/07/24 at 1pm Current Weather conditions TEMP(°C) RH(%) WIND(Km/h) Direction 24 hour rain(mm) 14.8 67 6.5 45 0.0 Yesterdays values FFMC DMC DC ISI BUI FWI 85.7 11 514 2.7 20 4.4 Todays values FFMC DMC DC ISI BUI FWI 85.5 11 516 3.1 21 5.3![]()
The FWI indicates the likely intensity of a fire.
The FWI is divided into five fire danger classes:
Index | Low | Moderate | High | Very High | Extreme |
FFMC | 0-81 | 81-88 | 88-90.5 | 90.5-92.5 | 92.5+ |
DMC | 0-13 | 13-28 | 28-42 | 42-63 | 63+ |
DC | 0-80 | 80-210 | 210-274 | 274-360 | 360+ |
ISI | 0-4 | 4-8 | 8-11 | 11-19 | 19+ |
BUI | 0-19 | 19-34 | 34-54 | 54-77 | 77+ |
FWI | 0-5 | 5-14 | 14-21 | 21-33 | 33+ |