Updated2/17/2025 17:39:00


Map Coordinates displays the latitude and longitude coordinates in degrees, minutes, seconds decimal, degrees minutes decimal and degrees decimal of the current location.

Selected Location displays the reverse geocoded location of the current latitude and longitude (approximation only). See also find address from latitude and longitude.

Map Coordinates of mouse displays the latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds decimal, degrees minutes decimal and degrees decimal of the current mouse location. (See convert GPS coordinates to convert latitude-longitude coordinate pairs.)

Load Location load a location by coordinates, location name or zip code. Enter the desired value and click the load arrow to the right of the appropriate field. Latitude & longitude accept degrees decimal, degrees minutes decimal or degrees minutes and seconds decimal.

Map Parameters displays current parameters of the map.

Map Height Click the two small, gray triangles just below the map to adjust its height.

Image source: findlatitudeandlongitude.com